First Lady & White House - Naked
Ready to Kill the Naked Dog Church ...
Left, the white dogs of Swaggarts dog people that I will show below, is listening to his music while
he is talking to Satan while
Rome, USA Burns ... seen in the lava flow from Hawaii where the black
horseman rider came from, Obama-nations 44. Right, shows this same white dog Church of today
has the witch of Satan riding her back as her God ... god. Below shows this same white dog from
above at a different angle listening to the music from Swaggart drifting down in lava form to these
white dog Churches of today listening to his music. Below In the left upper corner you can see
Swaggarts thinning white hair and his pink scalp and his pink face talking to Satan who was
once the music director in heaven but sinned and
was cast out who is now over the music director on
earth. Notice how God made Satan in the right upper
corner putting a white line around Satan's nose and
Satan is seen wearing a winter wool cap.

Below this is a blown up picture of Swaggart talking
to Satan and you can see behind balding Swaggart
82 years of age, the military hat of old Adolph Hitler.
Below his military hat you can see his face looking to
the left with
two hearts below his chin showing they
love you today but soon turns against the sleeping
White Dog Church soon.
Satanic Swaggart
666 are raping the
Church without a
shadow of a doubt!
He ties into the first
lady of the White
House ... a center
fold woman of nude
magazines that the
sleeping, White Dog
Church of today put
into office, making
the White House a
Cat House!  
Left is another sign of Old Hitler coming back but this
time to the Gentile Church that Jesus once said,
was good for the Jew is now good for the Gentile
!" This
is part of the Lava Flow showing Jimmy Swaggart and
what follows him is the administration of the Pimp,
Trump in office today with his
Madam wife, Melaina
setting beside him in the Oval Office in this last day
whore-house-horse ...
Mustang Ranch! It was Jimmy,
Whorehouse Swaggart who was caught twice with
Prostitutes and said he repented! but Hebrews 6:4-6
states differently! Paul said it is impossible for those to
repent who had once known the way of salvation and given power from God to preach, for in so
doing they are crucifying Jesus Christ all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace! How
this lying Bastard of Satan gets around this, he and his lying Study Bible says this does not speak
to the Church of today, but it speaks to the Jews of yesterday which is a lie from his father, Satan,
who he talks to daily! This gross liar and his gross liar ministry, has deceived the whole world
today! Satan has put on the top of the list two things that has fooled the white Dog Church saying
all the time,
"The Cross and the Blood of Jesus Christ."  Don't forget Satan comes as an Angel of
LIght that Jesus warned us about 2000 years ago, yet the sleeping Dog Church forgot this
passage and are letting Satan rull over them today,
"Lock, Stock and Barrel."

Satan and so-called Evangelist Jimmy full of the Devil Swaggart, wrote the old KJV Bible together
and put red letter words under the original text,
twisting the Bible all around making him the last
day jesus
! Many of the Bibles today show Jesus speaking in RED LETTERS, but Jimmy's Bible he
is the
jesus of Satan telling the people lies from the devil and leading the multiude down.

6/ 14/4 6                               7/ 6/4 6                          8/ 19/4 6       

In closing we see these "3" beast President men and the day of their births, all born in year
ending with
"6" showing they are the "666" of these last days on earth beasts soon goes after
the sleeping Church also see in Isaiah
"66:6." Left is Trump, the center is Bush and
right is Clinton. The first numbers are the month they were born,
"6...7...8." These "3" evil
beast men are also seen in Revelation
"6:7-8." This passage speaks about the Pale Rider of
DEATH with Hades, Hell following close behind
! This is where we are today, is this your lot?
You sleeping Church people of Matthew 25:6-7 do not wake up until
MIDNIGHT and when you
finally wake up,
it will be too late! You will be the woman hiding in the rocks from the DREAD
of the Lord and the Splendor of his Majesty when he rises to shake the earth
.  Below, a very short
distance from my home, is this huge rock showing the Swastika of Hitler and the Lion coming
down from the gay USA nation above with the two war horses of Russia and China coming
Hitler Follows Jimmy Swaggart
the Hitlers come from the White
House and are the "
666" ...
after them, hitting this gay
nation in the forehead and
pushing out the Swastika
and Lion going after the
sleeping Church of today
who is soon to be hiding in
the rock and holes in the
ground from the dread of the
Lord when he soon rises to
shake the earth, Isaiah
2:19-22. Above the words,
Swastika & Lion you can see
the dark head of the lion and
his two legs coming down,
and left of the dark head of
the Lion you can see the
Swastika of Hitler also seen
below coming out of this Gay
mouth of old George
Washington. The two war
horses of Russian and China
hitting the gay forehead of
this nation soon, will push
this beast out from the
mouth of old Gay George
who then goes after the
sleeping Church of the last
days! You can see the lion
and the Swastika in larger
form in this lower picture, for
it is part of the picture above
but blown up in size.

God's Ring of Fire - Hubble
telescope world Evangelist -
Apostle Prophet Paul Gerig
Naked Church Soon to be hit
with Nuclear Radiation from
the Bears!